Introduction: Hi!

Hi I’m Adam, welcome to my yoga for runners workshop, or running for yogis workshop. I enjoy running and love the feeling of being out in the world and the rhythmic meditation that occurs when long distance running. I’m registered E-RYT yoga teach as well and feel there are mutual benefits to running and yoga […]

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Phase I: Preparation, before running

Pranayama Importance of pranayama in preparing the body for running. Pranayama in running can primarily help with focus, losing focus at mile 22 makes for a difficult run. Learning to add synchronize movement with breath it comes naturally from yoga practice and can be important in running. Three part breathing to focus on using the […]

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Phase II: Activity – The run or walk.

Mindful Running – Based largely on “Mindful Running” by MacKenzie Havey Mindful running is the concept of running and living in the now, “Be here now.” It can be detrimental to be at miles 22 and start thinking about 4.2 miles to go. Many marathons end at mile 22. Practice of focusing in on surroundings […]

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Phase III: Recover

In Phase I in preparing the body we covered building joint strength through adding isometrics to key yoga strength poses. Yin yoga is widely held as one of the best methods to recover muscle suppleness through long held poses and allowing time for myofascia to break apart and spread. Yin poses for recovery after running. […]

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