In Phase I in preparing the body we covered building joint strength through adding isometrics to key yoga strength poses. Yin yoga is widely held as one of the best methods to recover muscle suppleness through long held poses and allowing time for myofascia to break apart and spread.
Yin poses for recovery after running.
While running is a total body involvement the focus is on lower body, core and spine for this phase.
This practice is inspired by Jophee and Paul Grilley at Yinspiration <– click here for Jophee’s website.
The yinspiration method brings together acupressure techniques for myofascial release using a lacrosse ball.
The MyoYin Practice – For runners
Starting in badha konasana bring the lacrosse balls to the hamstring insertion point near the sitting bones.
Come down into Setu Bandha Sarvangasana, bridge pose with lacrosse ball under the scapula.
Lower the spine and knees to chest, rock side to side.
Come up to seated for janu sirasasana with lacrosse ball squeezed behind the knee and/or mukha pada paschimotanasana with lacrosse ball squeezed behind the knee.
Come to hand and knees to low lunge and into pidgeon pose. Where can we use the lacrosse ball here? Let’s discuss.
We’ll end with legs up the wall with a block. Can the lacrosse balls help here?